Chungbuk Provincial Police Agency

Welcome to Chungbuk Provincial Police Agency!

    Defending the public welfare and safety

  • Defending the public welfare and safety
  • We must rebuild the cornerstone in order to create a ‘strong society' where people can remove the boundary and trust one another, where people do not have to lock up their front gates or use security devices and build high walls, and a world where people yield to each other and do not have to suffer from violent driving so that both automobiles and people are safe. Now, the police will become a ‘warm friend', ‘firm police' to the public in order to create a safe and prosperous society by maintaining the nation's security along with the property and life of the public.The people's righteous friend: The Korean National Police.
  • With a regional police system that keeps up with the changing living environment, we eliminate those that break the public peace...

  • The regional police system is where the police force is dispatched by bureau to improve the mobility on the scene, which lacks misdemeanors or government power, and goes in hand with the new paradigm to concentrate more on the public's peace and welfare.
    The existing police bureau is not going to be eliminated, but instead civil affairs officers will be dispatched and or ganize ‘safety associations' with the cooperation and participation of the citizens to enforce the public peace and welfare service.
    A police station will divide the responsibilities by district to 3~5 areas to install squads and will concentrate on the public peace in the field thoroughly.
    By using GPSs we are able to verify (ALI) the location of citizens reported to 112 quickly, and dispatch 112 patrol cars (IDS) and immediately deal with the crime site
    With a regional police system that keeps up with the changing living environment, we eliminate those that break the public peace...
  • We will eliminate prostitution and protect human rights for women.

  • The rescue requests and reports of women prostitution victims are increasing.
    A Prostitution Emergency Reporting Center has opened to stop prostitution and to protect women who have been physically and mentally violated.
    In order to create a system that reacts quickly to the rescue operations and reports and also to protect the human rights of women, we have established a prostitution investigation team in NPA branches of women police officer squads to look into every nook and cranny of anything questionable related to prostitution.
    For this, we will establish a practice course for crime investigation against women in the Comprehensive Police School to raise expert investigators, and work with the Ministry of Women's Affairs and various civic organizations to eliminate prostitution from this land and finally create an equal society.
    We will eliminate prostitution and protect human rights for women.
  • We wil make the safe world where children can run around freely.

  • We have constructed a ‘Finding Missing Children Center' that takes care of missing children reports up to the aftermath in a non-stop 24 hour system and have launched the ‘Long-term Missing Children Tracing Team'.
    In the Finding Missing Children Center, we mobilize to the scene as soon as a report is received and undergo a roundabout investigation. We also use ‘Finding Missing Children through DNA Project' to find a scientific way of finding missing children, and concentrate on developing various systems such as the ‘Missing Children Homepage Project'.
    In the future we will strive to introduce missing children related measures like ‘Amber Alert', and will enforce a ‘Missing Children Search and Safe Kids Campaign' to protect children safely.
    We wil make the safe world where children can run around freely.
  • We will protect priceless lives from car accidents.

  • Our ‘Keeping in with the stop line' campaign which started last Spring reduced the car accident death rate by 10% and brought such great results with the cooperation of the citizens that we are expecting to emulate the traffic culture of advanced countries in Korea soon.
    Even in the future, we will operate a ‘Green Zone' for the handicapped and elderly. We will also undergo a drinking and driving regulation campaign, and educate drivers on safe driving so that valuable lives will not be lost in car accidents.
    We will protect priceless lives from car accidents.
  • We weill respect the citizens' opinions on crime prevention.

  • As our lives become prosperous, more civil crimes and social complications with the demand for everyday safety are increasing. According to this, we will reform the crime reaction system so that all citizens may be satisfied, and will completely arrange a crime prevention system by operating “Everyday Safety Organizations” and “Community Crime Prevention Teams”.
    We are by your side, the citizen's police that is changing through reformation.
    We weill respect the citizens' opinions on crime prevention.
  • We will be sure to protect the people with 'Terrorism and Disaster Aid'

  • Under the firm belief that ‘we will protect the stability of the nation and lives of the people against any kind of terrorism,' we are intensifying terror safety activities with the national terror squad ready and reinforcing the security of main facilities.
    Additionally, in order to maintain social safety from large disasters, we will secure stronger rescue/emergency training, rescue equipment, and stronger reaction systems to prevent damage by constructively working for the citizens.
    We will be sure to protect the people with 'Terrorism and Disaster Aid'
  • We will quickly and completely clean up crimes.

  • Recent crimes have become mobilized and wider in range through specific information and various systems.
    In order for the police to get rid of crimes, NPA branches have been organized with wide-range drug investigation teams, and have constructed an advanced public safety network for ‘professional police who are strong in the field.’ We will pull out the roots of gangs and their influential supporters with investigations and follow-ups, and also supervise secret drug and gun transactions to completely break up these criminal hotbeds.
    The Korean National Police, reborn to be 21 century professional police with the trust of the people.
    We will quickly and completely clean up crimes.